Method of attacks in cybersecurity

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malware: software designed to harm devices or network

virus: malware program that modifies other computer programs by inserting its code to modify the computer program negatively by damaging and/or destroying data typical example of a virus is a malware

worm: malware that self-replicates, spreading across the networks and infecting the computers

ransomware: a malicious attack in which an organization encrypts a part of a company's data and demands money in other to decrypt it and restore access to users.

spyware: malicious software installed on a user's computer without his/her consent which is used to spy on and use user data

phishing: the use of digital communication to trick people into revealing sensitive data or deploying malicious software

spear phishing: the use of malicious email to target a specific user or group of users to appear to originate from a trusted source

whaling: a form of spear phishing in which the threat actors targets the executives of an organization to gain access to sensitive data

Business email compromise (BEC): an attack in which the threat actor impersonates a known source for financial advantage, it's also a form of phishing

vishing: exploitation of electronic voice communication to obtain sensitive information or to impersonate a known source.

Social engineering: a manipulation technique that explores human error to gain unauthorized access to sensitive, valuable/ private data

social media phishing: an attack in which threat actors collect enough information about their target on social media sites before initiating an attack

watering hole phishing: an attack in which the threat actors compromise a website frequently visited by a specific group of users.

physical social engineering: an attack in which threat actors impersonate an employee, vendor, or customer to gain unauthorized access to a physical location

USB baiting: an attack in which a threat actor strategically leaves a malware-invested USB stick for an employee to find and unknowingly infect a network