Maximum of Integer Sequences
Let's get the maximum amount of value from this sequence of numbers:
60, 50, 95,80, 70
1. Algorithmic ideas:
Compare arrays[i] with arrays[i + 1], if arrays[i] > arrays[i + 1] are exchanged. So continue until the last number, arrays[length - 1] is the maximum
func max(arrays []int, length int) int {
for i := 0; i < length - 1; i++ {
if arrays[i] > arrays[i + 1] {
temp := arrays[i]
arrays[i] = arrays[i + 1]
arrays[i + 1] = temp
maxValue := arrays[length - 1]
return maxValue
func main() {
var scores = []int{60, 50, 95, 80, 70}
var length = len(scores)
var maxValue = max(scores, length)
fmt.Printf("Max Value = %d\n", maxValue)